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The Editorial Committee of the Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan (JCEJ), in an effort to deter the submission and publication of fraudulent papers to JCEJ, seeks to ensure academic and social credibility by clearly defining misconduct and establishing actions to be taken in cases of misconduct as described below.
1. Definitions of types of Misconduct relating to Submission and Publication
1) Duplicate submission, Duplicate publication, Redundant publication, Self-plagiarism
The act of an author submitting or publishing a paper that shares the same essential content of another paper, in part or in total, which they themselves have already published or submitted for publication in the same language or another language, regardless of whether it is in printed or electronic form.
However, the following do not fall under the category duplicate submissions:
(i) unexamined Patent Application Publications, publication of applications, etc.;
(ii) university undergraduate theses, master's theses, doctoral theses, technical reports, etc.;
(iii) proceedings, reports, etc., from the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan (SCEJ) and other society meetings, symposiums, international conferences, etc.;
(iv) corporate technical reports, etc.; and
(v) newspaper articles.
2) Plagiarism
The act of appropriating another researcher's analyses, analysis methods, data, research results, words or images, whether in part or in whole, without the consent or proper citation of said author.
3) Fabrication, falsification
Fabrication is the act of creating data, research results, etc., that do not exist. Falsification is the act of manipulating data, research results, etc., so that they are no longer inherently true.
4) Segmented publication (Salami publication)
The act of splitting into segments research content that could be published as a single study in order to publish multiple papers.
5) Improper authorship
The act of granting authorship to those who do not qualify as authors (sometimes called guest or gift authorship) or the act of intentionally omitting from authorship those who do qualify as authors (sometimes called ghost authorship).
To qualify for authorship, all of the following criteria must be met:
i) All persons listed as authors have made substantial, direct contributions to the conception, design, analysis, and interpretation of the work;
ii) All persons listed as authors have been involved in drafting or revising the work;
iii) All persons listed as authors have approve the final version to be published; and
iv) All persons listed as authors have agreed to be accountable for the work.
2. Actions and Penalties for Acts of Misconduct
1) Actions
- If a paper submitted to JCEJ is suspected of any misconduct, the editorial committee will request an explanation from the corresponding author. If the corresponding author cannot provide a satisfactory explanation, the editorial committee will
commission the institution of the corresponding author to investigate the matter and provide evidence of the misconduct. Until the verification of such misconduct, the review and acceptance of said paper will be suspended. Upon conclusion of the
investigation, all authors will be notified whether the paper was found "guilty" or "not guilty" of misconduct. If the paper was found "not guilty", all authors will be notified of recommencement of the review.
- If a paper submitted to the JCEJ is found guilty of any misconduct, the editorial committee will withdraw the submission, review and acceptance of the paper. Notification of withdrawal will be sent to the corresponding author.
- If a paper published in the JCEJ is later found to have committed any misconduct (e.g., duplicate submission, duplicate publication, plagiarism), other effected journals will be contacted and the second publication will be retracted with a notice of the misconduct. In such cases, the first publication may also be withdrawn.
- First publications carry publication dates or copyright transfer dates that are earlier than second publications.
2) Penalties
If a paper submitted to the JCEJ is found "guilty" of misconduct, every new submission from any one of the authors of said paper will not be accepted for 1 year from the date of withdrawal of said paper. The date of withdrawal of said paper will be the date on which the editorial committee receives acknowledgement of the misconduct written by the corresponding author or the institution.

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